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2. Sales regulations for legal entities


During the registration procedure and placing the Orders on eastconsult.eu the Client accepts the Sales regulations for legal entities (The Regulations) set out below. The Regulations specify the relationship between the Client and eastconsult LLC (The Seller) arising in connection with the registration and execution of Orders on its website eastconsult.eu (hereinafter referred to as the Website). The Regulations come into force from the moment they are published on the Website and are valid indefinitely. The Seller may change the Regulations at any time unilaterally at his discretion without special notice. The changes take effect from the moment the updated version is published on the Website in the «Sales regulations for legal entities» section.


  1. Placing an order

1.1. Conclusion of a contract

1.1.1. The current Regulations, as well as information about goods and services provided on the Website, are a public offer in accordance with Articles 435 and Part 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

1.1.2. The Client agrees to the terms of sale of the chosen goods or the provision of the chosen services by clicking the «Pay» button at the last stage of the order placing process on the Website. Such actions confirm the fact the conclusion of the contract between the Client and the Seller.

1.1.3. The provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on purchase and sale (§ 1 Chapter 30), delivery of goods (§ 3 Chapter 30) and other legal acts adopted in accordance with them apply to the relationship between the Client and the Seller.


1.2. Placing an order

1.2.1. The Client independently places an Order on the Website, in a mobile application or with the help of the Seller’s specialists via the eastconsult chat.

1.2.2. The Client selects the necessary product or service in the appropriate section of the Website.

1.2.3. Information materials about goods and services are for reference purposes and cannot fully convey reliable information about the properties and characteristics of the goods, including colors, sizes and shapes. In case of questions about the properties and characteristics of the product, the scope of services provided, the Client shall contact the Seller before placing an Order.

1.2.4. The Client provides the following information:

(a) the name, address and phone number of the Client or the recipient of the Order;

(b) the delivery address of the Order.

1.2.5. The expected delivery date of the Order is the period after which the Client can receive the Order. The delivery date depends on the availability of goods in the Seller’s warehouse, the time required to process the Order, and the delivery time and can be additionally notified by the Seller’s specialists to the Personal Account, or to the Client’s E-mail address specified by him / her during registration, or in the written form to the Client’s mailing address.


  1. The price of the products, services and payment terms

2.1. The price of the product or service is indicated on the Website and can be changed unilaterally by the Seller. The product / service in the Order is paid at the price indicated at the time of clicking «Pay» button, either at the price reported by the Seller’s specialist in the Personal Account, or at the Client’s E-mail address specified by him / her during registration, or in the written form to the Client’s mailing address when placing the Order. The price of the product ordered or the service paid for cannot be changed.


2.2. Payment shall be made solely as 100% prepayment in the following ways:

The agreed payment method is considered to be the method chosen by the Client from among the available ones when placing an Order.

2.3. If the Client makes a payment from a settlement account, then after placing an Order, an Invoice is automatically generated on the Website, either the Seller’s specialist sends the Invoice to the Client’s Personal Account, or to the Client’s E-mail address specified by him / her during registration, or the Client is redirected to eastconsult online chat to contact the Seller’s specialists who shall complete the Order.

2.4. To receive a tax invoice for the amount of money paid, the Client should request it in eastconsult chat.

2.5. The Order is accepted for processing only after the Client’s funds have been credited to the Seller’s current account.

2.6. The Seller is not responsible for the negative consequences if the Client pays for the order with his / her personal card.


  1. Delivery

3.1. The delivery is carried out by the Seller on its own or by a third party (Delivery service). The possibility of delivery to the recipient’s address is determined at the moment of placing the Order. When delivering by a Delivery service engaged by the Seller on behalf of the Client, the Seller has the right to charge a fee for the service of selecting a Delivery service. The cost of the service is indicated at the ordering stage.

3.2. The Seller makes every effort to comply with the delivery dates indicated on the Website or reported by the Seller’s specialists. Delays in delivery are possible due to unforeseen circumstances that occurred through no fault of the Seller. The Seller is not responsible for the Client’s losses and expenses related to the violation of the delivery time.

3.3. The cost of delivery of each Order is calculated individually, based on its weight, region and delivery method, and is indicated at the last stage of ordering on the Website or indicated by the Seller’s specialist via the eastconsult chat, or sent to the Client’s Personal Account, or to the Client’s E-mail address specified by him / her during registration, or in the written form to the Client’s mailing address.

3.4. Upon delivery, the order is handed over to the person indicated as the recipient of the order, or to another person authorized by the Client to receive the Order.

3.5. The Customer is obliged to accept the Order according to the number of product units, completeness and assortment within 1 working day starting from the moment of receipt of the Order and check its quality within 5 working days.

3.6. Upon transfer of the Order, the person delivering the Order or the Seller’s representative, in case of pickup of the products, has the right to demand the presentation of a document certifying the recipient’s authority, and the recipient is obliged to provide a document confirming the authority to accept the products.

3.7. The risk of accidental loss or accidental damage to the Product passes to the recipient from the moment the Order is transferred to him / her. If the Product is lost before the specified time, the Client will be reimbursed for the cost of the prepaid Product and its delivery after receiving confirmation of the loss of the Product from the Seller or the Delivery service.

3.8. After placing an Order for a product or service, the order data shall be posted in the Client’s Personal Account, including the Account used by the Client to pay for the order. The amount to be paid is indicated in the Invoice including VAT.

3.9. After receiving the order, a universal transfer document (UPD) will be placed in the Client’s Personal Account, or the UPD will be sent to the Client’s E-mail address specified by him / her during registration, or to the Client’s mailing address. The amount of VAT in the UPD shall be outlined in a separate line.

The accompanying documents signed by the Seller unilaterally or sent to the Client’s E-mail address specified by him / her during registration, or to the Client’s postal address, are considered agreed and accepted by the Client if the latter does not object within 3 working days from the date of posting / receipt of such documents.

The Client has the right to send a request to the chat for the provision of the originals of the Accompanying documents via the electronic document flow system. The Seller shall send the specified documents within 3 working days starting from the date of receipt of the request from the Client. When sending a request, the Client shall specify the E-mail address to which it is necessary to provide a response to such request.


  1. Peculiarities of certain types of products sale

4.1. Downloading electronic materials / providing analytical business and marketing reports (hereinafter referred to as the Object)

4.1.1. When placing an Order for an Object in the appropriate section of the Website, the Client selects the parameters of the required report by ticking the appropriate checkboxes.

4.1.2. Payment is made in rubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as of the date of payment.

4.1.3. The Client has the right to use the Object from the date of granting the Client access to the Object.

4.1.4. The Client is prohibited from disclosing to third parties the information necessary to gain access to the Object and the Activation Code.

4.1.5. After payment for the Order, the return and exchange of the Object is not carried out.

4.1.6. Within one hour after receiving the payment, the Seller sends the download link to the Client. To get access to the Object, including the process of saving to the memory of the user equipment (downloading), the Client shall follow the link.

4.1.7. The Client has the right to use the link and get access to the Object for downloading within 30 calendar days from the date of sending the link. After the specified period, the Client will not be able to access the Object. The funds transferred to the Order payment account are non-refundable.

4.1.8. The Seller is not responsible for the Client’s use of the Object, the Client assumes all responsibility in case of violation of the law or the rights of third parties in connection with the use of the Object.

4.1.9. The Seller is not responsible for incompatibility with the Client’s user equipment, all Objects are provided in «as they are» state.

4.1.10. The Seller is not responsible for losses caused to the Client or third parties as a result of the Client’s non-compliance with these Regulations, the use of the Object for other purposes, or due to ignorance of information about the Object and the procedure for its use.

4.1.11. The Seller is not responsible if the Client cannot use the Object as a result of using the download link by third parties.


4.2. Used producrts

4.2.1. The Seller has the right to offer used Products for sale mentioning it in the description on the Website in the appropriate section.

4.2.2. If the Client discovers defects that were not agreed upon by the Seller when selling the products, the Client has the right to make demands for the gratuitous elimination of such defects, and in cases provided in clause 2 of Article 475 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, for the replacement or termination of the contract, in the manner and terms agreed by the parties.


  1. Miscellaneous

5.1. Intellectual property

5.1.1. All text information and graphic images on the Website are the property of the Seller and / or its counterparties / partners.


5.2. Guarantees and responsibilities

5.2.1. The Seller is not responsible for damage caused to the Client as a result of improper use of the Products ordered on the Website.

5.2.2. The Seller’s liability is limited in accordance with the provisions contained in the Legal information.

5.2.3. The Seller has the right to assign or in any other way delegate the rights and obligations arising from its relationship with the Client to third parties.

5.2.4. The Seller is not responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the information provided by the Client during Registration and Ordering process.

5.2.5. The Client confirms that, at the time of placing an order and in relation to the products purchased on the Website, he / she complies with the requirements of applicable legislation, including legislation on export control measures that establish requirements or restrictions on the sale, export, re-export or transfer of products.

5.2.6. The Client takes all necessary measures to ensure the confidentiality of the Personal Account and its contents, and also does not provide access to the Personal Account to third parties, except for cases when such persons act on behalf of the Client. The Client guarantees that any actions in the Personal Account, including making Orders, approving Accompanying documents and acts, are carried out by authorized persons. The Client is responsible for any (including unauthorized) actions of persons in the Personal Account as his / her own, and also guarantees independent and immediate restriction of access to the Personal Account to persons with whom cooperation has been terminated.


5.3. Confidentiality and personal data protection

5.3.1. The Seller processes the Client’s personal data in order to comply with the current Rules in accordance with the Personal Data Processing Policy.

5.3.2. The Parties undertake to comply with the Privacy Policy.


5.4. Tax clause

5.4.1. Guided by civil and tax legislation, the Client hereby assures and guarantees that: it is an active legal entity or an individual entrepreneur who carries out its activities at the registration address and has the right to conduct business; the person submitting the Order, as well as signing the documents on its behalf and under its instruction as of the day of their signing, has all the necessary powers for such signing; information about it in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP is reliable, its executive body is located and performs management functions at the location of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. If an entry about the unreliability of information appears in the register, it undertakes to enter reliable data into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP within one month from the date of such entry; it pays taxes, contributions and fees, timely submits tax, statistical and other reports to tax and other state bodies in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, has no arrears on payments payable to the budget; it timely and fully reflects all transactions for the sale of services, works, products in primary documentation, accounting and tax reporting; it provides primary documents that fully comply with the current legislation of the Russian Federation; it is not in a state of bankruptcy, liquidation or reorganization.

5.4.2. The Client also assures and guarantees in accordance with Article 431.2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation that it is a bona fide taxpayer and confirms that it does not have any trait of a one-day company.


5.5. Miscellaneous

5.5.1. The Seller sends notifications and messages to the Client at the E-mail address specified during registration and / or to the Personal Account.

5.5.2. In case of any questions, the Client may contact us in eastconsult chat. If a claim arises, the Client shall send it by Russian Post by registered mail with a delivery notification to the address: 117587, Russian Federation, Moscow, Varshavskoe Chaussee, 125D, building 2, office 15I.

5.5.3. The Seller’s responses to the Client’s requests and claims are recognized as sent in the appropriate form if they are sent to the Personal Account, either to the Client’s E-mail address specified by he she during registration, or in the written form to the Client’s postal address (if there is such an instruction from the Client).

5.5.5. All disputes arising between the parties will be resolved through negotiations, if an agreement is not reached, the dispute shall be referred to the Arbitration Court of Moscow.

5.5.6. Invalidation of any provision of the Regulations does not entail invalidity of the remaining provisions.

5.5.7. The Client, registered on the Website as a legal entity, is obliged to immediately notify the Seller of the introduction of bankruptcy proceedings against it or the beginning of the liquidation or reorganization process. A Client registered on the Website as an individual entrepreneur, when making a decision to terminate its status, is obliged to notify the Seller 5 working days in advance. All negative consequences in case of non-compliance with the notification conditions are borne by the Client.


  1. Company details

6.1. The Seller’s company details are located here.