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3. Sales regulations for natural persons


By registering and placing Orders on the eastconsult.eu website, the Customer agrees to the Regulations for the sale of Goods for natural persons (the Regulations) set out below.

The Rules regulate the relations between the Customer (you) and eastconsult LLC (Seller) arising in relation to the placement and fulfillment of Orders on the eastconsult.eu website (hereinafter — the Website).

In case of failure to agree with any provisions of the Regulations, the Customer may refuse to place an Order.

The Regulations come into force from the moment of their publication on the Website and are valid without time limit.

The Seller may change the Regulations at any time unilaterally at its own discretion without special notice. Changes come into force from the moment of posting the updated revision on the Website in the “Sales Regulations” section.


  1. Placing an order

1.1. Concluding a Contract

1.1.1. These Regulations as well as information about the Goods provided on the Website are public offer in compliance with Art.435 and Art.437 cl.2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

1.1.2.  The Customer agrees to the terms and conditions of sale of the selected Goods by clicking the “Pay” button at the last stage of placing an Order on the Website. Completion of the above actions is a fact confirming the conclusion of the Contract between the Customer and the Seller. In case of placing an Order on prepayment conditions (advance payment against future transaction), the Contract shall be deemed to have been concluded if within 24 hours after the prepayment the Customer has not received a notification that it is impossible to deliver the Goods to the Customer.

1.2. Placing an Order

1.2.1. The Customer shall place an Order by own efforts on the Website or using the mobile application, or with the assistance of the Seller’s specialists via eastconsult chat.

1.2.2. The Customer shall choose the proposal about the required Goods in the relevant section of the Website

1.2.3.  Information about the Goods is for reference purposes only and cannot fully convey reliable information about the properties and features of the Goods, including colors, sizes and shapes. In case of any questions about the properties and features of the Goods, the Customer should contact the Seller before placing an Order.

1.2.4. The Customer shall provide information as follows:

(a) Full name and telephone number of the Customer or Recipient of the Goods;

(b) Order delivery address.

1.2.5. The expected Order delivery date means the term upon the onset of which the Customer can accept the Order. The delivery date depends on the Goods availability at the Seller’s warehouse, time required for processing the Order and delivery terms and can be provided additionally by the Seller’s specialists to the Customer’s Private account or e-mail address, that he/she specified at the time of registry or in the written form to the Customer’s postal address.

1.2.6. If the Goods operability check is required before handing them over to the Customer in compliance with legal requirements, such check shall be performed at the Seller’s warehouse before transferring the Goods to the delivery service.

1.2.7. Information on the current status of the Order is available in the Private account.

1.2.8. In order to provide the Customer with the possibility to select and purchase the Goods most relevant to his/her interests and preferences, the Seller generates analytics based on information about such Customer’s activities on the Website, including Goods viewed, Orders placed, pages visited and search queries made on the Website, and use it to improve the Website assortment and personalize the Customer’s use of the Website and other Seller’s services.

  1. Payment

2.1. Price of the Goods and payment terms

2.1.1. The Goods price shall be specified on the Website and can be changed by the Seller unilaterally prior to placing an Order. The Goods in the Order shall be paid at the price specified when the “Pay” button was clicked, or at the price provided by the Seller’s specialist to the Private account, or to the Customer’s e-mail address specified by him/her at the time of registry, or in the written form to the Customer’s postal address when placing an Order. The price for the Goods selected by the Customer shall not be changed.

2.1.2. The payment is performed as follows:

– payment by cash (in the eastconsult office);

payment by bank card on the Website;

– payment by invoice.

The agreed payment tool means the tool chosen by the Customer from among those available when placing the Order

2.1.3. The Order shall be paid for during the period specified in the Private account, upon expiration of such period the Sellers does not guarantee the Goods availability, as well as possibility to sell the Goods at the specified price. The Contract shall be deemed not to have been concluded in such case.

2.1.4. In all cases except for payment by cash, sales receipts shall be transferred to the Private account or to the Customer’s e-mail address, specified by him/her at the time of registry and are not provided in printed form. The Seller’s obligation on electronic sales receipt transfer shall be deemed to have been fulfilled at the moment of the sales receipt transfer to the Private account, or to the Customer’s e-mail address specified by him/her at the time of registry.

In case of payment by cash, sales receipts shall be handed over to the Customer in printed form at the moment of Goods handing over.

2.2. Payment by banking cards, as well as electronic payment tools linked to banking cards

2.2.1. In compliance with the provision of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation “On banking cards emission and on transactions, performed using payment cards” dd. 24.12.2004 No.266-П transactions using banking cards shall be performed by the card holder or by the authorized person based on the letter of attorney executed in compliance with the applicable law.

2.2.2. The bank shall authorize transactions using banking cards. If the bank has the reason to suppose the transaction is fraudulent the bank is entitled to reject this transaction execution. Fraudulent transactions with banking cards fall under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and are prosecuted in accordance with criminal law.

2.3. Payment by cash (in the eastconsult office)

2.3.1. The Seller shall provide the Customer with possibility to purchase the Goods by cash.

2.3.2. This payment tool provides for payment by Customer’s cash disposable funds after self-delivery at the Seller’s address (eastconsult office)

2.3.3. Sales receipts shall be transferred to the Customer in printed form at the moment of the Goods handing over.

2.4. Payment by invoice

2.4.1. When the Customer selects “Payment by invoice” tool he/she is directed to eastconsult chat to communicate with the Seller’s specialists who will complete the Order.


  1. Delivery

3.1. The Seller shall perform delivery by own efforts or assisted by the third parties (Delivery service). Possibility to deliver at the recipient address is defined at the moment of an Order placing.

In case of delivery by the Delivery service engaged by the Seller under the instruction and on behalf of the Customer the Seller shall be entitled to collect charge for finding the Delivery service. The service price shall be specified at the Order placing stage.

3.2. The delivery territory for certain types of the Goods is limited, the Customer shall be informed about this by the Seller’s specialist via eastconsult chat, or by a message sent to the Customer’s Private account, or to the Customer’s e-mail address, specified by him/her, or in written form to the Customer’s postal address.

3.3. The delivery cost of each Order shall be calculated individually based on its weight, area and means of delivery, and payment tool, and shall be specified at the last stage of placing the Order on the Website or shall be specified by the Seller’s specialist via eastconsult chat, or shall be sent to the Customer’s Private account, or to the Customer’s e-mail address specified by him/her at the time of registry, or in the written form to the Customer’s postal address.

3.4.  When transferring the Order or accepting the Goods at the Seller’s warehouse by self-delivery, the Customer shall check the appearance, packaging, quantity, completeness and assortment of the Goods in the presence of the person transferring the Order. Claims regarding completeness, assortment, quantity and appearance of the Goods shall not be accepted after the transfer of the Order by all delivery means.

3.5. When transferring the Order, the person delivering the Goods or the Seller’s representative is entitled to require the recipient’s personal identification document in case of the Goods self-delivery, and the recipient is obliged to provide his/her personal identification document.

In case of the absence of the personal identification document or non-conformity of the document to the Customer’s/recipient’s personality, the Goods shall be not transferred to the Customer/recipient, but the delivery service will be deemed to have been rendered.

3.6. Pass of the risk of accidental loss or accidental damage of the Goods

3.6.1. Risk of accidental loss or accidental damage of the Goods shall pass to the recipient at the moment when the Order is transferred to him/her. In case of the loss of the Goods until the specified moment the cost of the prepaid Goods and delivery shall be reimbursed to the Customer after the receipt of confirmation regarding the loss of the Goods from the Seller or Delivery service.

3.7. If it is impossible for the Customer to accept the Order placed in cash, the Order shall be handed over to a person who is ready to provide information about the Order (number and/or name of the recipient), as well as to pay the cost of the Order in full to the person shipping the Order.


  1. Peculiarities of sales of certain types of the Goods

4.1. Downloading soft materials/providing analytical business and marketing reports (hereinafter – Object)

4.1.1. When placing an Order for an Object in the relevant section of the Website the Customer  shall select parameters of the required report by putting marks in the relevant checkboxes.

4.1.2. The payment is performed in rubles according to the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as at the date of payment.

4.1.3. The Customer is entitled to use Objects since the date when the Customer was granted access to the Object.

4.1.4. The Customer may use the Object for its intended personal use only. The Customer is not entitled to use the Object for profit including reproducing, processing, distributing, publicly displaying, importing, renting, publicly performing, broadcasting or cablecasting and making available to the public.

4.1.5. The Customer is not entitled to put reference links for an Object available for use on any resources in such way that the third party is granted access to this Object.

4.1.6. The Customer must not give any information required to grant access to the Object to the third parties, as well as activation code.

4.1.7. The Customer is entitled to use the Objects on the territory of the Russian Federation only.

4.1.8. No returns or exchanges of the Object shall be made once the Order has been paid for.

4.1.9. The Seller shall provide the link for downloading to the Customer within one hour once the payment has been accepted. The Customer has to click through the link in order to get access to the Object, inter alia to copy the above to the user’s equipment memory (download).

4.1.10. The Customer is entitled to use the reference link and get access to the Object for downloading purpose within 30 calendar days once the link has been provided. Upon expiration of the abovesaid period the Customer will not be able to get access to the Object. Funds transferred in payment for the Order are non-refundable.

4.1.11. The Seller shall not be liable for the use of the Object by the Customer; the Customer undertakes all responsibility in case of violation of the law or rights of the third parties arising from the use of the Object.

4.1.12. The Seller shall not be liable for any incompatibilities with the Customer’s user equipment, all Objects are provided in “as is” condition.

4.1.13. The Seller shall not be liable for the loss incurred to the Customer or to the third parties due to the Customer’s non-compliance with these Regulations, unintended use of the Object or due to the failure to familiarize with the information about the Object and the way it should be used.

4.1.14. The Seller shall not be liable if the Customer is not able to use the Object as a result of download link being used by the third parties.

4.2. Pre-used Goods

4.2.1. The Seller is entitled to offer pre-used Goods for sale while mentioning this in its description on the Website in the relevant section.

4.2.2. If any defects were detected that were not mentioned by the Seller during the sale of the Goods, the Customer is entitled to raise demands on defects removal free of charge or termination of the Contract, if he/she will prove that defects occurred prior to the Goods transfer or due to the reasons before the transfer.


  1. Other conditions

5.1. Intellectual property

5.1.1. All textual information and graphic images on the Website shall be the property of the Seller and/or its counterparties/partners.

5.2. Warranties and liabilities

5.2.1. The Seller shall not be responsible for the loss incurred to the Customer due to improper use of the Goods ordered on the Website.

5.2.2. The Seller’s liability shall be limited in compliance with provisions contained in the Legal notice.

5.2.3. The Seller is entitled to assign his/her rights and obligations, arising from his/her relations with the Customer, or transfer them in any other way to the third parties.

5.2.4. The Seller shall not be responsible for the accuracy and correctness of information provided by the Customer at the time of registry and placing an Order.

5.2.5. The Customer shall guarantee the following:

  • The Goods shall be purchased not for re-sale to the third parties but for personal use only and shall be used for civil purposes only.
  • The Goods shall not be used for any activity related to:
    • Creation of nuclear explosion devices or activities within the scope of nuclear fuel cycle,
    • Development, manufacture or repair of chemical or biological weapon,
    • Manufacture or repair of weapon or military machinery,
    • Development, manufacture or repair of chemical or biological weapon.
  • The Goods shall not be used in any areas subject to applicable national and international export control regulations.

5.3. Personal data

5.3.1. The Seller shall process the Customer’s personal data for the compliance with these Regulations in accordance with the Personal data processing policy.


5.4. Other conditions

5.4.1. The Seller shall send notifications and messages to the Customer’s e-mail address, specified at the time of registry and/or to Private account.

5.4.2. In case of any doubts the Customer shall apply to eastconsult chat. In case of any claims the Customer shall send it by Post of Russia by registered mail with a return receipt to the following address: 117587, RF, city of Moscow, Varshavskoye Chaussee, 125D, corpus 2, office 15i.

5.4.3. The Seller’s shall reply for appeals thus claims of the Customer are deemed to have been submitted in a proper form in case of submitting thereof to Customer’s Private account or to e-mail, specified by him/her at the time of registry, or in the written form to the Customer’s postal address (in case of such instruction from the Customer).

5.4.5. All disputes arising between the parties shall be resolved through negotiations, in case of a failure to reach an agreement the dispute will be submitted to the judicial authority for consideration in compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.4.6. The invalidation of any provision of the Regulations shall not result in the invalidity of the remaining provisions.

  1. Company details

6.1. The Seller’s company details are located here.